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Extending retirement and the young unemployed

Whilst there may be an apparent problem paying pensions coming up on the horizon, I wonder if the government stance that lies behind the drive to stop people retiring simply sets up a whole heap of problems for the young and makes the older generation more of a hindrance than a help.

What will happen to the young in the coming years, will they rebel to demand work, or will they be funnelled into the military or some other quasi social conscription in the next 5-10 years? Thereby encouraging the journey towards a war in Europe after nearly 60 years of relative peace..

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about the right to die, coupled with exposure around the appalling lack of care within elderly services. It’s starting to smell like a real opportunity to simply turn people off once they reach a certain age or level dependency. Logan’s Run style without the false promise of "Sanctuary". I can imagine a Cameron or even a Blair explaining that “as a country we simply cannot afford” all these old people anymore!

As we are living longer, would it not be better to have a longer retirement by choice and give the young an opportunity to experience the world of work with their potentially greater level of energy, drive and ambition. It might also give the young a chance to pay for there education too. The state requires us to work from the age of 5 to 16 in formal education and then spend the next 4-5 in higher education and then to work until we are 67. So basically we might have the first 5 years in freedom and the last 5-10 years to live in freedom, the other 50-60 years we are required to work and pay an overall 60% in taxation, banking fees, insurances etc. Not a fair or free society at all! Oh and the top 10% probably only pay 5-10% in these “living costs”.


Communism - A contributory factor in the poverty and wealth gap

Perhaps the fall of communism has placed the west well on its way to a return into the extremes of poverty and obscene wealth. At least communism provided a moral and economic reason within the west to filter down wealth and better living standards to the masses, simply because "the west" had to prove capitalism was "better". Now that communism has almost disappeared, unabated capitalism can trample the masses.

Oligarchs were viewed as obscene 10/15 years ago, now they are a global presence from Russia to China and all points west.

As wealth spreads east the current financial crises is in part panic and in part perhaps it is a ploy to reduce western living standards for the masses so that the super rich can maintain their world status and avoid letting go of top table status.


Rebalancing Incomes.

It seems that all the grumblings about pay cuts, pension cuts and the extraordinary disparity between average pay and the top 10-15% could quite easily be remedied.

The Government (that's the people that claim to represent the people) could introduce a law that created real clarity by setting an absolute limit on the difference between the highest and lowest paid in any company or organisation.

A suggestion is 10/1, but the coalition might want to set this at 15/1 or even 20/1, Labour might be in favour (publicly) of say 8/1. The figures could be worked so that the very rich stay very rich. This would simplify and clarify pay, companies that are doing well would pay well right across the board….

This would stop the growingly abusive treatment of those in the low to middle income range without turning into a communist nightmare where people can’t be bothered to work because they get paid anyway!!

So at say 12 to 1

The bankers could still pay themselves say £6,000,000 a year, but the lowest paid employee in that company would have to be paid about £500,000 a year!

Even at 50/1 the lowest paid bank employee would have to be paid a massive £120,000 a year! Within many companies the pay ratio is now well in excess of 80/1.

So at say 12/1 A company executive might earn £250,000 a year so the lowest paid employee would then get £20,800 a year.

Perhaps then we really would all be in it together, with or without the double dip recession/depression/collapse.


UK Isolation to keep the rich rich, or are we trying to be a Switzerland!

If we threw our lot in with the EU mainstream, the ego driven power mongers (80% of our politicians) would have to give up THEIR power, not ours, the people.

What have the 90% or is that 99% to loose from joining a strong large scale block. Remember it is our politicians that want to strip away workers rights, Human rights, freedom of information rights, in fact many mainland European rights we have gained from the EU. Most western EU people have a higher standard of living than the 90% in the UK

I am all for diversity and freedom, but not when it only enriches 1% or is that 10% of the population.

So the current government is hell bent on power and protecting vested interests. Are they simply clinging to power, ego and their wealth? Is the politicians basic human nature (for personal power and wealth) overriding the so called national interest?


Thatcher, Society and Individual Unadulterated Greed

It's early days, but Margaret Thatcher is credited with much good by her supporters and causing much suffering by her detractors. When she first came to power she started selling off assets like no tomorrow. She took on the over powerful unions, opened up banking and share dealing, putting the nations economic trust and emphasis into the city.

One might say, with some justification, that some of the changes made during the early part of her rule were much needed. Things had got out of hand, industrial unrest, power cuts, the 3 day week; all had been unwell for 10 or 12 years under both parties. The country needed reorganising. The Labour Party was struggling to find it’s way, News International and other covers added to the ridicule and unelectable quality of Labour. She had a virtual free reign. (Falklands aside)

Then they (or she) decided to let most of the north of England disintegrate into long term unemployment. Millions of people and thousands of communities were simply abandoned and closed down as uneconomic. Heavy industry, mining, even car making were for the most part jettisoned as “we” could not compete in the global market. We were no longer going to be a hive of industry. Instead we would become the financial and service centre to the world. So investing the way Germany and others had was not considered viable.

Perhaps this choice was the beginning of the ever growing wealth gap, but more importantly this was also the end of community and social cohesion, she promoted individualism at the expense of community. Even taxing people individually in their homes (poll tax) rather than as a family. Avoiding even trying to bring individual responsibility and community together because that might look like socialism, or is that being too generous. Perhaps as she once hinted, “there is no such thing as society”. So she simply believed in dog eat dog with the minimum, if any rules. Much it seems was adopted from the far right views we often associate the warmongering American far right. A brutal and self centred approach based in fear, with an unhealthy desire to dominate and crush.

After shutting down whole swathes in the north, call centres started springing up, only to close down again because of competition elsewhere in the world. (Ever tried calling BT!) It’s no coincidence that the south east has prospered, the economic balance shifted south. Pay disparity grew rapidly and has continued. There are pockets in the north, there has been some recovery but it remains limited. The prosperity was indirectly paid for by the financial starvation in the north coupled with selling off assets.

We no longer make much; we will probably loose the bulk of our banking sector in the next five years. There is almost nothing left to sell. We have not invested in high education, but crucially we no longer need an uneducated workforce to work in heavy industry or mining. So what to do with the growing wrongly educated young… Well we keep posturing for war with countries in the Middle East. Europe seems to recovering while the UK commits suicide with Brexit. No, that’s too scary and we can’t make the stuff of war any more. Oh, wait, yes we do, that’s one industry that’s still bringing in the bacon. But not the heavy stuff, Ugh.

Perhaps Margaret Thatcher is now to be known as the Rusty Witch as she is long gone from power. The impact of her choices and beliefs is still deeply rumbling across society and indeed the unadulterated capitalist globalisation seems to rumble on virtually unabated.

Perhaps the need for individualism will fade in time, automaton consumers will prevail. Small enclaves of people with soft hearts, organic minds and a need for social cohesion and community will be all that remains in tiny corners hidden from the monolith of self centred capitalist greed.

We need a combination of socialism and capitalism, anyone know how?






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